• Email Address: smartconsult89@gmail.com
  • Phone number: + 66648597845

Maintenance and Support

Application Support and Maintenance Services

Application maintenance and support

Application support and maintenance services are aimed at ensuring that applications are highly availablereliable and stay relevant to current business needs. Since 2020, SIT been providing essential and advanced support and maintenance for applications of different purposes and industries.


Custom enterprise applications

Built for corporate usage

Software products

SaaS and on-premises apps built to be put on the market


We offer a flexible set of service components to help you assemble your personalized service.

Reactive application support

to resolve identified issues.

Proactive application support

to prevent critical situations or timely detect emerging problems.

Reactive application support


Creating and maintaining detailed information for user self-service.

Guiding materials for users:

  • Product and technical information.
  • Manuals.
  • FAQs.
  • Knowledge base with convenient search functionality.


Solving usage issues and minor problems, escalating more complex issues.

  • Receiving and registering queries submitted via phone/video calls, chat, social networks, email, self-service portal.
  • Prioritizing support requests.
  • Promptly solving simple, previously documented issues.
  • Escalating unsolved issues to the next support level and providing status updates according to an agreed SLA till their closure.


Troubleshooting and routine app maintenance.

  • Fixing application performance issues.
  • Resolving software configuration and account administration incidents.
  • Software installations.
  • Log investigation for root cause analysis of issues.


Fixing issues on the code and database level.


Software customization, adding new features, application integration.

Application infrastructure management

Our team helps with troubleshooting and evolution of the application’s:

  • Cloud infrastructure;
  • Data storages and databases;
  • CI/CD, development and testing environments
  • Cybersecurity tools.

Proactive application support

Code review

We provide comprehensive unit testing coverage for all code paths and error cases to ensure code quality and reliability of your applications under development.

Application performance monitoring and management

We carry out scheduled performance tests and continuously monitor app performance to detect and eliminate unfavorable trends (evolving slowdowns or issues) before end users notice them.

Application security monitoring and management

To make sure your applications remain 100% reliable and timely identify the need for security upgrade to answer new evolving cyberthreats, we provide:

  • 24/7 security monitoring and scheduled vulnerability and misconfiguration diagnostics.
  • White box and black box security testing.
  • Detailed reports that include recommendation on how the discovered vulnerabilities can be fixed.

Compliance monitoring and management

We perform automated scanning and manual analysis of applications to ensure compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, PCI DSS, and other industry-specific regulations and help you mitigate found vulnerabilities.

CI/CD and DevOps implementation

To keep the frequent application updates quick and reliable and to reduce post-release errors, we help to connect and automate development, testing of your applications by:

  • Applying infrastructure as code (IaC).
  • Containerizing applications / applications’ modules.
  • Setting up continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
  • Introducing test automation.

Integrated Manual and Automated Testing (IMAAT) implementation

A balanced combination of automated tests (for regression testing) and manual tests (for exploratory, usability or ad hoc testing) to accelerate releases while increasing regression testing coverage and finding more defects before production.

Cloud resource consumption optimization

Our cloud experts:

  • Review your cloud environment and identify existing deficiencies.
  • Provide the resource consumption optimization plan.
  • Help with its implementation and on-demand cloud resource management.

Application infrastructure monitoring

Our team administers and monitors:

  • Cloud infrastructure;
  • Data storages and databases;
  • CI/CD, development and testing environments
  • Cybersecurity tools.


Optimized support costs

We offer ITIL-based support processes and introduce the smart escalation matrix, the CI/CD pipeline, automated testing, etc., to help our clients reduce application support costs by 1.5 - 2.5 times.

Transparent KPI-based support processes

We define clear KPIs together with our clients and build our support services around these targets. We track the KPIs internally and report the results monthly. Our KPI system may include the following metrics:

  • Support request volume, support request backlog, support requests resolved.
  • Application availability: actual uptime relative to the availability agreed, number of service interruptions, overall downtime or average duration of service interruptions, etc.
  • First Response Time (FRT), Resolution Rate (RR), Meant Time to Recovery (MTTR), Net Promoter Score (NPS).
  • User satisfaction score.


Per-ticket pricing

At the start of cooperation, we define the ticket cost, and you get charged based on the volume of incidents we resolve monthly.

Best for: L1, L2 support

Fixed monthly fee

You pay in advance at a reduced hourly rate for a bunch of hours during which we deliver continuous application support.

Best for: L3 support (defect fixes, minor functional changes)

Time & Material (hourly billing with a cap)

You receive the end-of-the-month invoice based on the hours or efforts reported per month.

Best for: L3-L4 support (introducing substantial changes or adding new functionality



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