• Email Address: smartconsult89@gmail.com
  • Phone number: + 66648597845

Data Analytics

Data analytics helps businesses convert their raw business data into actionable insights. Since 2020SIT has been helping companies make quick and data-driven decisions in the ever-changing environment by rendering a full set of data analytics services.

On-demand data analysis
 Get your data collected, processed and presented in the form of quick regular or one-time analytics insights and avoid the time and cost burden for developing and managing a full-scale analytical solution.

Subscription-based data analysis
With subscription-based data analysis, or Analytics as a Service (AaaS), you carry out data analysis on a fully customized in-cloud analytics platform built and maintained by SIT.

BI and DWH consulting
We analyze your particular business needs and give recommendations on designing, developing, implementing or upgrading your analytics solution.

BI and DWH implementation
Whether you consider implementing a data analytics solution or completely revamping the existing one, ScienceSoft is ready to deliver a time-effective solution fully compliant with your business objectives.

BI and DWH support and evolution
Get your analytics solution tuned within days or even hours – we analyze the as-is analytical environment, define the stumbling blocks, and fix the issues that hinder you from leveraging data analytics.


Data warehouse
Extract, transform, load (ETL) or extract, load, transform (ELT) design and implementation. Data governance (data security, quality, availability) management. Data warehouse and data marts design and implementation.

Big data Big
data infrastructure setup and support. Big data quality and security management. Big data analysis and reporting.

Data science
(Big) Data preparation and management. Development and tuning of ML (including deep learning) models. Development and tuning of data mining models. Image analysis software development.

BI Business intelligence and data analytics infrastructure design and implementation. Ad hoc and scheduled analytics querying and reporting. Natural language user interface.

Data visualization
Interactive dashboarding. Custom and pre-built visuals. Multiple visualization techniques (symbol maps, line charts, bar charts, pie charts, etc.)


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