• Email Address: smartconsult89@gmail.com
  • Phone number: + 66648597845


Application Development and Consulting

Application development and consulting - ScienceSoft

Even with careful configuration and customization, commercial off-the-shelf software (application) can meet only 85-88% of the business requirements. The remaining 12-15% of business functions are unique and require tailored software solutions. For 20 years in the market, we’ve designed, developed and implemented a number of custom software applications for mid-sized and big businesses, including Fortune 500 companies. We design reliable and efficient enterprise applications and help business processes to stay fast and smooth with the help of such technologies as JavaPython.NETPHP, Go, C++, and others.  



ScienceSoft’s team delivers advanced applications to manage your B2B, B2C and internal business processes. 

Web applications

Large-scale and complex custom web applications that work across all popular browsers, are fast, reliable, and deliver immaculate UX with intuitive navigation and logical workflows.

Our expertise covers a wide range of enterprise applications for core business aspects from sales and customer service to manufacturing and inventory, human resources, finance and marketing management.


Mobile applications

Native (iOS, Android, Windows) and cross-platform (on Cordova, Xamarin, React Native) mobile applications to provide businesses with speed and convenience they need.

ScienceSoft can either compliment your web application with mobile experience or deliver it as a separate mobile solution with its own back end (.NET, Java, PHP, Node.js).

Desktop applications

OS-specific (Windows, Mac, Linux) or cross-platform custom applications to work offline with total control over data security.

Big data applications

Leverage the power of large data sets with high-performing and robust custom big data tools.

Our big data solutions empower manufacturing, banking, healthcare, media & entertainment, logistics, sports industries and the government sector with clear insights on critical elements of their business and let them explore patterns and trends for more informed actions, better process control and optimization, predictive equipment maintenance, ad/service/content targeting, and more.


Real-time applications

A wide range of real-time tools for immediate identification of potential business opportunities and risks.

ScienceSoft’s team develops such solutions as sensor data monitoring (equipment condition monitoring, environmental monitoring, automatic vehicle tracking), advertisement and recommendation engines, fraud and spam detection, highly-responsive applications with millions of users and more.


To deliver innovative and competitive solutions, we work with such tech trends as:

To develop and deploy apps fast and safely, we use DevOps tools for automated builds, testing and configuration management and such practices as containerization, IaCContinuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD).


We stay flexible in terms of cooperation and easily adapt the scope of services to the needs of your business.

Technology consulting

Technology consulting

We help you with professional advice on the right technology stack and architecture for your future app, gather security requirements and offer measures to fulfill them, provide a scalability roadmap.

Development from scratch

Development from scratch

ScienceSoft provides end-to-end development services. We either create a detailed requirements specification at the initial stage of SDLC (in case of a traditional linear approach) or continuously adapt to changing project requirements during Agile iterations.

  • Step 1 – Discovery
    We take time to thoroughly understand your business and align the future solution with its objectives, gather security, functional and operational requirements. Then we proceed with describing workflows and user scenarios.
  • Step 2 – Design and prototyping
    We decide on the most beneficial architecture, from traditional, service-oriented architecture (SOA) to microservices, cloud-ready, and reactive architectures, and proceed with the high-level application design.
  • Step 3 – Development
    We assign a designated development team to build the future app according to the requirements set.
  • Step 4 – Testing
    Our testing team runs the app through a comprehensive testing process to verify its quality and compliance with all requirements. Wherever possible, we apply to high level of test automation for improved coverage and speed.
  • Step 5 – Deployment / Launch
    Our release engineers integrate the new app into the existing IT environment.
  • Step 6 – Support
    We proceed with thorough post-release support, managing incidents, configuration changes and updates to ensure a smooth handover, stable availability and relevance of the new application.

Development based on a requirements specification

Development based on a requirements specification

You share your precise documented description of the future application and we proceed with the rest to turn your vision into a real working solution.


    Keeping future operational costs reasonable

    We provide high-quality code that is understandable and documented, optionally employ DevOps/Continuous Delivery and continuous integration practices. It allows us to make the application easy to support and helps it to stay open for low-risk changes and the introduction of new tech trends.

    Providing applications that bring real business value

    ScienceSoft’s team continuously cooperates with all business stakeholders to develop software that meets actual business needs and processes. Realizing the value of time, we keep all interactions clear and to the point.

    Delivering informative UX

    We deliver user experiences focusing on optimal functionality, logical interfaces and clear workflows that make the applications fast to adopt and easy to use.

    Designing for integration from the outset

    We design applications that can easily and smoothly interface with other systems of your enterprise IT environment.


    We design architectures that best suit the needs and goals of your business.

    Traditional architecture

    Traditional architecture – providing a 3-tier (front end – back end – database) construction for quick development and easy maintenance.

    Microservices architecture

    Microservices architecture – splitting an application into several independent units based on business functions. It allows for the use of a mix of technologies and languages, continuous deployment, increased performance, partial updates, and appropriate management of increased loads.

    reactive architecture

    Reactive architecture – designing reliable and flexible systems and applications that ensure high responsiveness and availability in the context of multi-userness, streaming data and high load.

    Cloud-native architecture

    Cloud-native architecture – developing an application for the cloud that can leverage cloud-related benefits (simplified portability, automated performance scaling, PaaS services) to the fullest.


    For ScienceSoft, it’s important to provide a real beneficial change to the business, not just IT solutions. We have an in-house team of 26 business analysts who have experience in manufacturing, retail, healthcare, banking and financial services, telecom and other industries as well as across multiple internal and external business operations. Dedicated BA experts will cover your business analysis needs with:


    Clarification & Analysis


    Problem solving



      Get Rich Functionality and Ease of Work in One App

      We can help you connect the employees, partners and clients with business-class applications that are reliable, fast and maintainable.



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